by Donnareflect on July 23, 2014
It’s thought that more than half of small businesses in the UK are failing to protect their intellectual property in an adequate way. Without intellectual property such as logos and company names being registered, rival companies can easily use them to make money – and their victims may find that they have no legal comeback. […]
by Donnareflect on October 16, 2013
Once a legal right to intellectual property, either by way of copyright, trademark, registered design or patent has been granted then the owner of that property has the right to take legal action against any person who violates their rights under intellectual property law. This is known as IP Infringement and falls into the same […]
by Donnareflect on August 9, 2013
Registering your new business online is essential if you are to protect it and stop others from using things like your trademark. Many people have been deterred by the idea of trademark registration, assuming that the process is overly complex and questioning its necessity. However, once you have decided to trade under a specific name, […]