Tom Cox

Credit to Howard Knopf (@howardknopf) for bringing this story to my attention. The relationship between copyright and freedom of expression is often overlooked. Yet these two legal spheres can interact at a delicate nexus. There is an inherent tension between copyright and free expression; a grant of copyright is also a grant to control a […]


Credit to Glen Gilmore (@SocialMediaLaw1) for bringing this story to my attention. Last month Twitter released the data from its semi-annual transparency report. The report details such things as account holder information requests from the government, the number of content removal requests and copyright takedown notices. Importantly all three categories were significantly up in the […]


Copyright Hub Pilot Introduced in the UK

by Tom Cox on August 8, 2013

[New – see also the empirical observation our Founder Gav Ward helped to coin re Lemley’s Law here.] Ask yourself this question: if you find a photograph on the internet and want to reproduce it in your own creation what would you be required to do by law? It doesn’t have to be a photograph […]


Below are ten of the last month’s best intellectual property law blogs and news posts from around the web:- A Collection of Copyright Carry Ons with the CopyKat (The 1709 Blog) The 1709 Blog offers a whistle-stop tour from around the world of copyright over the last month. From copyright reform in China to dentists […]


The rules of parody: a lesson from America

by Tom Cox on June 7, 2013

As it currently stands UK copyright law does not allow a specific exception for parody use. This means that someone desiring to make a parody will have to ask for the copyright holder’s permission or attempt to procure a licence from that holder. The grant of a licence is at the complete discretion of the […]